
接下来再开了一个新的博客 千里厢哥 ,溜了溜,溜到 Google 的 Blogspot.com,遇到了以诺和海龟,又好玩地开了 千里相哥 。可能写得不好,来去的人都是这几个,心冷意却,本不想再写下去,但又觉得可惜,还好来的朋友都很风趣友善,于是就这样撑下去。
开雅虎这博客还是为了给好友森源留言,因若没注册登入就留不了言,结果,又开了一个新的 戈歌博客 ,同时写下了这篇开博词。
其实在雅虎之前,我也开了一个博客在新浪网 戈的文化,那儿玩得的好开心,也有好多擁躉。
Blogspot 会比较寂寞,您不知道有谁来到访,怎能看其他人的呢,惟有自己得努力寻寻觅觅,到处去逛才会有收获。
亲密爱人 卿卿我我
他俩是吗? 不肯能吧!?
石火京人 陶瓷仰韶 青铜殷商
风雅颂 百家篇 诗词曲
古音 诗乐 京曲
典 雅 绝
纵横四海 飞跃太空 嫦娥奔月 天女散花
古今中外 礼音乐曲 绕梁三日 惊叹环宇
五环旗下 中西文明 汇集融洽 崭新里程
越过高山,越过平原, 跨过奔腾的黄河长江;
Cell Protein Found That Literally Nips HIV In The Bud
ScienceDaily (Jan। 14, 2008) — UCLA researchers have found that a key protein in the body’s dendritic cells can stop the virus that causes AIDS from ”budding” -- part of the virus’ life cycle that is crucial to its ability to replicate and infect other cells.
”If we can block virus generation, then we can control the disease,” said lead author Shen Pang, associate professor in the division of oral biology and medicine at the UCLA School of Dentistry and a member of the UCLA AIDS Institute.
Dendritic cells are specialized white blood cells in the skin, mucosa and lymph nodes that kick-start a primary immune response to foreign invaders by activating lymphocytes, including the T cells that HIV targets. Though dendritic cells can be infected with HIV -- and indeed play a crucial role in transmitting the virus to T cells -- studies have shown that viral generation from these cells is nearly a hundred times lower than from infected T cells, indicating that the cells may possess some inhibiting property.
Pang hypothesized that DC-SIGN, a protein expressed in dendritic cells, may be responsible for such inhibition. He and his colleagues found that DC-SIGN and a related protein, DC-SIGNR, both demonstrated 95 percent to 99.5 percent inhibition of viral production from host cells.
Very few cells are infected when HIV first enters the human body, but the virus rapidly creates new copies of itself, which in turn infect more cells. To achieve this, the virus, after infecting a cell, sends envelopes of protein to the cell’s membrane. The viral genomes then combine with viral structural proteins and move into these envelopes. The envelopes bubble, or bud, outward, releasing viral particles that will infect more cells and start new viral life cycles.
According to the researchers, DC-SIGN appears to block HIV generation by efficiently neutralizing an HIV glycoprotein on the surface of the HIV envelope known as gp120, a key to viral infection. In such cases, while some viral particles may still be released from the infected dendritic cells, the lack of gp120 in their envelopes means they are not infectious to CD4-positive T-lymphocytes and macrophages. In other words, these viral particles have been rendered uninfectious.
Current methods to interrupt the life cycle of the virus are limited because they generally target HIV at the stages of viral entry, reverse transcription and post-translational protein cleavages. Once the virus passes through these stages, treatment fails. The UCLA researchers, therefore, focused on halting the virus’ generation at different stages in its life cycle.
”The strong inhibition of viral production by DC-SIGN suggests the possibility of using this protein for treatment of HIV-infected patients,” the researchers write. ”Expression of this protein in various CD4-positive cells should inhibit viral production from infected cells. Because it can also enhance the immune response, DC-SIGN is expected to be useful for in vivo studies for developing an HIV vaccine.”
The study, scheduled for publication in the April issue of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology’s FASEB Journal and may be available online at http://www.fasebj.org/cgi/rapidpdf/fj.07-9443comv3.pdf. Pang’s co-author is Qiuwei Wang, a postgraduate researcher in the division of oral biology and medicine at the UCLA School of Dentistry.
This study was supported by the UCLA AIDS Institute, the UCLA School of Dentistry and a grant from the National Institutes of Health.
Adapted from materials provided by University of California - Los Angeles, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.
Via CCR5
安全带上 一路平安! 安全套上 坐怀不乱!
螳螂捕蝉, 黄雀在后!
您要的是什麽結果? (顺序从左到右,从上到下。)
1、 累得垂下的向日葵 (您侬?)
2、 紅得發黑的向日葵 (他她?)
3、 沾滿鲜血的紅色葵花 (费德)
4、 鬆得成井的大紅花 (海龟?)
午后抵 KL ,来到市中心,安顿好酒店,也已近黄昏,睡了一会懶覺,就乘单铁去Sentral马航改机票。办好后,就想到茨厂街的福建炒大肥麺和粿條,那叫人垂涎欲滴,馬上飛過去大快朵頤。
問單鉄售票員怎么去 Bandar Raya – Jalan Petaling,他就賣給我在 XXlala下車的票,但還是擔心搭錯車,見到一個單鳳迷眼的靚仔,問他茨厂街怎麽走,他卻囘我說他是馬來人不懂啥叫《茨厂街》,(活該!以貌取人,原來他不是華人)於是我就費勁地想出 Jalan Petaling 再加 Bandar Raya 和 China Town,果然說的都是在那 啥啥lala下車,倒楣的是過站下車,又折回來,看清楚了那啥啥lala站名后才敢出站。
下了梯子,糟糕,弄錯了吧?怎麽是中華大會堂呢?難道是我自作聰明錯說了 China Town? 走前不行,後退也不對,乾脆坐的士去吧。可是眼前的路,人們都是高速行車,的士都不要停,還好終于有輛要停下來載我。結果花了3塊8才到了目的地。想要吃的那家的燈不亮,表示沒開店,只好吃裏邊銀行對面的哪家,叫了支黑啤酒,獨自兒享受香美的福建炒。棒!
有嗎?有嗎?有嗎? Lot 10、Sungai Wang 門前? 單鉄站? 單鉄上? Bandar Raya ? 茨厂街? KLIA ?
妙哉 !妙哉 !
Cheers !
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